Directions to apply for assistance:
1. Click on the financial assistance form which will take you to a "Google Form" where you will be asked a series of questions.
2. Fill out the form completely.
3. Submit the form.
4. Once the form is submitted it will be reviewed by Todd Miller who may request supporting financial documents to make a decision.
5. The deadline to apply for assistance is August 24th, 2024. After this date no forms will be accepted.
6. The form and supporting documents will be reviewed by Kingdom Cares staff and may take up to 3-4 days to review.
7. Please do not do anything on PLAYCLERK until you hear from Kingdom Hoops Staff.
8. You will receive an email regarding you application once it is reviewed.
9. All applicants that are receiving assistance will be required to participate in Kingdom Hoops fundraisers.
10. All incomplete forms will not be accepted. Please take your time and fill out the form completely.
Any questions? Please contact Todd Miller -